Sunday, December 20, 2009

A Little Gift

Sometimes gifts come in packages you can't see, can't put your hands on, and are so small you wonder if it's really a gift at all. David and I got one of these gifts on Saturday. It was a returned Christmas card, the only one we got back this year.

As much as I love sending Christmas cards, receiving them is even better. The kids and I watch for the mailman, fight over who's to open each envelope, and then hang them on our card trees. David even goes to the trees first thing when he gets home to see who we heard from that day.

Saturday night, we met up at our favorite pizza place and were talking about the day and of course, I wanted to know if we got any cards. That's when David told me that we got one returned from his high school friend Donny. I wasn't surprised since we hadn't been able to get a hold of them when we were in Michigan, but I wanted to send the card anyway.

For a brief minute or two, we talked about the Lintons and both silently wondered where they had ended up since we last talked. Minutes later, amongst the chaos of the kids, David's phone rang. It was another old high school friend who delivered the news that Donny had been killed in a car accident that morning. It was unbelievable. We were literally talking about him moments before.

As much as I wish that card would have made it there, the "return to sender" gave us those few thoughts of our friend, alive, and enjoying the holiday with his family somewhere. We'll never have those thoughts again.

When we got home that night, I could hardly face that red envelope on the desk. It was a reminder of being too late to get in touch with someone that was important. Then I realized that if it had made it there, it just would have been one of one hundred cards I sent, its' recipient crossed off the list.

So in honor of David's friend Donny Linton, gone at age 40..... get in touch with those friends that you keep meaning to call , send a card to someone you haven't heard from in a while, and appreciate life's littlest gifts.

Rest in heavenly peace Friend.


  1. Ok, so this exactly why I keep the link to your blog on my desktop. Again, a wonderful hearfelt post that really makes me think...and feel. Its like you are this "better version" of to articulate and remind me of things I know, but need to be reminded of. Thank you again. God bless all of you this Christmas and always!


  2. Thank you for sharing such a tuching and heartbreaking moment. This is just a reminder of why we should always make sure that we treat each moment with our loved ones and long time friends as our last moment with them.

  3. Thank You, Kimberly, for remembering such a sweet soul. I remember Donny & David being Aidan's age. They were so close and such good friends. I pray for his children, you never know when your time is up.
