Friday, December 19, 2008

Thanks a Lot Washington! (as in D.C.)

It's finally happened. David and I need a Bailout. At Aidan's holiday party yesterday, one of the Mom's asked David if she should submit our family to Toy for Tots (which we contribute to every year I might add.) David was confused of course, until she told him how Aidan answered when she asked what he wanted Santa to bring him. Aidan responded " Well, I 'm really not going to get much this year, because the economy's so bad that even Santa's had to cut back. My Mom and Dad aren't even getting anything." I don't know whether we should laugh or cry. It's all my fault..... but after being handed the eighth Santa list this year, I just had to put a little perspective on the situation, manage his expectations. I guess he got it!! Rest assured, Santa is visiting our house this year. I'm also proud to say that it's much more about the spirit of the season, than the loot for Christmas 2008. We're not really stimulating the economy much, but I feel like one of the richest people on earth. Thanks George W., for helping us get our priorities straight!!

1 comment:

  1. I tell ya Joe and I decided not to give each other gifts too. that saves a good bit!

    I think you did the right thing though...the older kids need to be aware that money doesn't grow on trees.): Wish it did though!
